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VASP, the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package, is a computer package used for modeling materials from first principles. The use of plane wave basis sets makes it ideal for solids and periodic structures. A lot of information regarding usage and installation can be found on the wiki. The workshops and lectures found there provide an excellent overview of VASP as well. For a general overview of density functional theory (DFT) see the original Kohn-Sham paper1 and the review paper by Jones and Gunnarsson2.

A Guide to VASP

  1. W. Kohn, and L. J. Sham. “Self-Consistent Equations Including Exchange and Correlation Effects,” Physical Review 140(4A), A1133–A1138 (1965). DOI 

  2. R. O. Jones, and O. Gunnarsson. “The density functional formalism, its applications and prospects,” Reviews of Modern Physics 61(3), 689–746 (1989). DOI 

computing programs