Silicon slab with (111) faces and anthracene covalently attached in the 9 position (in the middle of its long edge). The starting structure. Details
VASP Parameters: plane wave energy cutoff 540 eV, energy convergence 1e-5, force convergence 10 meV. The anthracene can be placed along the symmetry axis of the silicon slab so that it dodges the surface psuedo-hydrogens and does not develop a bend, however, this structure with a bend is 0.25 eV (9.67 kT or 5.76 kcal/mol) lower in energy than the stiff molecule.
Silicon slab with (111) faces and tetracene covalently attached along its long edge. The starting structure. Details
VASP Parameters: plane wave energy cutoff 540 eV, energy convergence 1e-5, force convergence 10 meV.
Silicon slab with (111) faces and 9-ethylanthracene attached to the center silicon on one side of the slab. Details
VASP Parameters: plane wave energy cutoff 540 eV, energy convergence 1e-5, force convergence 10 meV.
Silicon slab with (111) faces and 9-ethylanthracene attached to the center silicon on one side of the slab. Started with the unconstrained structure above and continued with a spin constrained optimization ( DetailsISPIN = 2, NUPDOWN = 2
VASP Parameters: plane wave energy cutoff 540 eV, energy convergence 1e-5, force convergence 10 meV.
Silicon slab with (111) faces and 9-vinylanthracene attached to the center silicon on one side of the slab. Details
VASP Parameters: plane wave energy cutoff 540 eV, energy convergence 1e-5, force convergence 10 meV.
Silicon slab with (111) faces and 9-vinylanthracene attached to the center silicon on one side of the slab. Started with the unconstrained structure above and continued with a spin constrained optimization ( DetailsISPIN = 2, NUPDOWN = 2
VASP Parameters: plane wave energy cutoff 540 eV, energy convergence 1e-5, force convergence 10 meV.
The LAMMPS data files were generated by opening the xyz files in VMD. Using the TkConsole, you can add a bounding box with the command pbc set {x y z} -all
to set the size and pbc box -center com
to ensure the center of the box is at the center of mass. Visualize the result using draw pbcbox
An approximately 30 angstrom diameter silicon quantum dot capped with hydrogens. Because of the geometry of the dot, some silicons have 2 hydrogens attached (Si-H2) to completely passivate the surface. The faces on the top and bottom (+/- z directions) are [111]
terminated surfaces with only Si-H bonds.
The LAMMPS data file.
The LAMMPS data file.
The LAMMPS data file.
The LAMMPS data file.